Saturday, August 22, 2009

Road Trip

Earlier this week, Bella and I took a 600+ mile road trip to visit our family.  Bella is an unusually good traveller, and didn't utter a peep the entire trip.  Like most traveling cats, she spent a good amount of time in her cat carrier.

However, Bella is no ordinary cat, and didn't seem content to just sit there.  I sensed that she really wanted to be part of the whole experience.  She wanted to drive . . .  I could just feel it.  And since she had to suffer the indignity of a harness and leash, I thought she deserved a turn at the wheel.


Of course, her legs are pretty short, and reaching the pedals would present somewhat of a problem.  But I figured she could at least steer.  She was very serious about the whole thing.  She's seen those Toonces videos, and was determined to redeem the reputation of feline drivers.  She kept her eyes on the road pretty much the whole time.

 Pretty much.

Hello, catnip factory!


Laura said...

Here I thought my cat was the most adorable cat ever -- but I have to admit, I'm in love with Bella. She is so cute! :)

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

These are great! And how blessed you are to have a cat who travels well!

Amethyst said...

if u travel in a long journey
did u giv anything to bella?
to prevent she from doing 'that daily and relieve thing'=p?

Sartenada said...

How lovely photos!! I specially love those two last photos.